Oil Analysis Database
All our oil analysis clients have unlimited 24/7 access to their reports and result via our SpectroTrack portal. This is the ideal tool for accessing historical and trend information about your high-value assets. It provides invaluable information in understanding the condition of your most important assets and determining whether and when action is needed.
Get all your trending, imaging, numerical and textual data related to each of your assets in one secure location
Use it to log in samples online, before you send them to us for testing, and update asset information remotely
Have a single end-to-end view of a sample life-cycle from sample submission and receipt to results entry
Watch how it works
We have prepared the following videos to show you how to get the most from your SpectroTrack access. The videos are based on demo data for a notional fleet operator. But the process is the same for manufacturing and powergen machinery and plant.
How to use SpectroTrack to Trend Data
How to log a sample into SpectroTrack
How to export data out of SpectroTrack
How to view a ferrography report in SpectroTrack